
Bremerhaven Harbor, 6


Ich lerne sehen, ja, ich fange an. Es geht noch schlecht. Aber ich will meine Zeit ausnutzen.

 Rainer Maria Rilke


12 Kommentare:

  1. Leckere Komposition, ich liebe dieses schöne Foto, schöne Farben und Linien. Eine Umarmung

  2. Excelente esta serie, Isabella!! maravillosos colores!
    Un beso

  3. This is, to say the least, very imaginative. Differet - both by its composition than by the fact that you decided to create an image that was not "smooth"… And this is against the credo of many, and it is enough to make it a very good work for me.

    You see, dear Isabella, for me an image doesn't have to be beautiful as people usually understand it. It doesn't have to be "pleasing", or easy to grab. Images that make one progress are often harder to understand, more difficult to grab, and must be gazed at for a longer period of time.

    Images that please at a glance may be good. Work that goes beyond that will be disliked by many. This may be the case here I think. Of course my opinion could be different if I could look at it in fullscreen mode and hi resolution. Well, you know how maniac I can be sometimes… :-)

    All this to tell you at the end: yes, a very good and imaginative piece of work. And not easy, all the more so!


  4. … I fear that I wrote a bit too fast and the freaking correction tool let me go without warning me. I made a couple of typos in the above comment, the cutest being "differet". I meant "different" - of course.


  5. Diese ganze Serie ist unglaublich schön. Du lernst sehen, ja! Küsse, liebe Freundin :-)

  6. Leovi,

    muchas gracias por tus hermosa comentario!

    un fuerte abrazo

  7. Querida Laura,

    muchas gracias amiga!

    un beso - isabella

  8. dear Roger,

    I sincerely thank you for this wonderful and very empathetic comment. I feel very understood and encouraged in my chosen path. It is important for me to improve my ways of presentation and to extend the range. I know that many will not follow me on this way. The more I look at your words and your appreciation.

    I will do my best!

    warm hugs

  9. Lieber James,

    du hast mir mit deinem wundervollen Kommentar eine große Freude bereitet. Danke von Herzen dafür.

    alles Liebe für dich,


  10. Izabella - wonderful series from the harbour!

  11. Very nice composition and the colours and light are beautiful!! Well done Isabella!

    Have a nice day! : )

  12. impressive, so good ... powerful !


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