
april spirits, 1


April hath put a spirit of youth in everything. 

William Shakespeare 


7 Kommentare:

  1. It's a lovely one Isabella.

    wish you a good night

    Bye, Joop

  2. Suave y delicada, con una luz maravillosa!
    Un beso

  3. This is beautiful Isabella!

    Have a nice day! ; )

  4. Isn't this… elegant? Such are the beauties of Nature… well photographed by you as usual. Very good choice of DOF with good bokeh in the background.

  5. So zart!
    Da ist noch viel mehr, als ein junger Geist drin...
    Liebe Grüsse.

  6. You got the spirit of the spring! Beautiful photo.
    Hug from Hilda


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