


Spring makes its own statement, so loud and clear that
the gardener seems to be only one of the instruments, not the composer. 

Geoffrey B. Charlesworth


9 Kommentare:

  1. Jak cudownie zobaczyć piękne krokusy i ich wspaniałe zdjęcia. Pozdrawiam. *** How wonderful to see the beautiful crocuses and great pictures. Yours.

  2. It´s SPRING! Love the colours... and the text!

    Beautiful photos!

    Have a nice day! : )

  3. Lovely post Isabella! Colourful and delicate !
    Spring hugs/Lasse

  4. Hallo Lieve Isabella

    Het licht en de kleur is hier weer bijzonder mooi..... zo krijg je toch zeker het lente gevoel.

    Lieve groetjes, Joop

  5. Che belle queste impressioni di primavera!
    Bellissime foto! Complimenti, ciao e buona giornata! Cri : )

  6. Hermosas fotos primaverales!!
    Un beso

  7. Wonderful yellow shadows - just as spring, just as it is in my heart after winter,s dead. Sending you a hug!

  8. Dear Isabella, you showed the essence of these early spring flowers is a such wonderful way. The light shines through and creates this wonderful feeling of warmth. This light is celestial and it made the colors even more profound, rich and vibrant.

    Isabella, this is a poetry, and a wonderful spring melody and story of a beauty which will not last long.

    I am very touched and impressed by this art.

    I wish you a beautiful evening and peaceful.

    Sincerely your, my dear talented friend.


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