
spring fever


 It's spring fever.  That is what the name of it is.  And when you've got it, you want - 
oh, you don't quite know what it is you do want, but it just fairly makes your heart ache, you want it so!

Mark Twain

10 Kommentare:

  1. La primavera si aspetta con molta trepidazione, ci riscalda il cuore e allieta gli occhi per il fiorire della natura e dei suoi bellissimi fiori come lo sono questi della tua foto che è stupenda! ciao : )

  2. So true... ; )

    Tulips are spring... Beautiful photo with wonderful colours and light!

    Wish you a nice day!

  3. Yep, I've got it too.
    (Beautiful tulip photo.)

  4. Das ist WUNDERSCÖN Isabella...... tolle farben und das frühling in hause.

    Liebe Grüsse, Joop

  5. I love what Mark Twain said about the spring fever. Yes, it's true when you experience it and then you want it.

    First tulips.... How beautiful, fresh and colorful they are. I am waiting for them impatiently and here the whole sea of them.

    Dear Isabella, there is so much of beautiful early spring in this photograph. Even light tells you that the days are getting brighter. I love splendid colors and I love the light . No more long winter days. You brought the soul of spring to us.

    You can create such a beautiful mood! And that is mystery for me and always will be.

    I wish you a very relaxing and peaceful Monday evening, my dear Isabella.

    Sincerely yours, Kaya.

  6. I remember this feeling from the time I lived in New York. Lovely photo and words from good old Mark Twain. Thanks for your very nice comment in my blog. I have great respect for your opinion. Hugs, Jorge


  7. · You are the Queen of the Flowers. If you see a flower, it becomes the most beautiful possible.

    · Küsses mein freundin

    CR & LMA

  8. Piękny wiosenny bukiet. Kocham tulipany.Pozdrawiam. *** A beautiful spring bouquet. I love tulips. Yours.

  9. Beautiful floral image good omen of already have about the spring.

    Best regards.


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