
Winterland - an der Elbe


 Es ist gar kein übler Monat, dieser Februar, man muß ihn nur zu nehmen wissen. 

Wilhelm Raabe

8 Kommentare:

  1. Well, they won't be going anyway, they will have to be at home, and photo, superb.

  2. Beautiful! A bit short on the snow, but nothing to be done… laughing at you a biti here… :-)))

    But this is a good photograph indeed. And truly, I did not know that you could have such an amount of snow.

  3. oh ich danke dir sehr für dieses bild. setz mich hin, und warte bis der schnee schmilzt ...

  4. oh comme c'est beau la neige et le soleil et ce bateau qui semble venir de nulle part, figé dans la glace sans doute !
    j'aime beaucoup aussi la photo bannière ! très belle image hivernale

    belle journée à toi Isabella
    je t'embrasse

  5. uma bela foto, com uma luz extraordinaria

  6. The light and colors are really wonderful Isabella,
    thanks for sharing this lovely picture.

    Hugs from Me.

  7. Buna si inspirata compozitie,felicitari Isabella.

  8. Wonderful winter photo.
    Hug from Hilda


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