
Mein Norden - die pure Lebensfreude - our world


Die Lebenslust hat nicht den Grund im bloßen Sein,
Im steten Werden liegt des Lebens Reiz allein.

Friedrich Wilhelm Güll 


8 Kommentare:

  1. Ya estoy de regreso en la blogosfera y veo que todo va de maravilla.

    Muy bonitas fotos, llenas de ternura.


  2. Dear Isabella, these pictures are filled with love.

    They warmed my heart. These tiny sheep babies or lamb babies ( not sure about them) are so cute and lovely. They are learning about this world but stay so close to their mama. One of them even noticed you with a camera ( the first picture) and looking and wondering what is going on.

    Even it's winter the pastures still a little bit green but trees are bare and I love it.

    Absolutely wonderful and beautiful pictures. Such a pleasure to look at them.

    Hugs and all the best to you, my dear Isabella.

  3. Wahrscheinlich einzigartig.

  4. I love the view of the sheeps but i also prefer the serenity of the 2nd photo.

  5. Niedliche Heideschnucken mit ihren Laemmern. Sieht so aehnlich aus wie bei mir zuhause.

  6. Ces photos de brebis et moutons sont très belles à regarder, j'aime être avec les animaux, ce petit agneau est adorable. Votre dernière photo exprime tout votre merveilleux talent.
    Merci pour ces beautés...


  7. Lovely photos. Your last is my favourite, but I do like the sheep too.


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