
the bright side of winter



Even the sun shines again in the sky
and the snow melts from the rooftops
and melts the ice on the windows
and laughs into the room: how are you? how is it?

And even if it is not yet long spring,
so loud it all drips and runs ...
are you thinking beyond your roofs ...
You say it was a terrible weather,
one get very sick! and you're in the quiet
happy about it as a child.

Cäsar Flaischlen


pictures taken last weekend in the Berggarten Hannover

for more sky: here


10 Kommentare:

  1. maravillosa luz y colores de invierno!
    Bravo Isabella y feliz fin de semana,


  2. Hi mi piacciono molto queste foto.
    Buona serata :)

  3. These photos made my day happy. I love to see flowers ready to bloom.


  4. I love love the snow drops, poking its head out. Wonderful photos.

  5. Isabella, this is really the bright side of winter.

    The first picture is a dream way to a small chapel ( sorry I couldn't find a right word). If I would walk on this way I would be so excited. You showed such a magical perspective in this picture. The trees on both side of this way are wonderful even if they are bare. And shadows on the ground are so beautifully long. They are fantastic.

    And then I moved into the world of winter flowers. They are so delicate and fragile and little. And touching.

    And later I would sit on one of these benched and though how wonderful sometimes life is.

    You made me dream and travel in time! That is what true art is able to do!!!!

    Warm hugs and warm loving wishes to you, my dear friend!!!!

  6. A beautiful series of shots. My favorite is the second photo... so good!

  7. How nice to see all the signs of Spring. I think we must wait at least 2 months...
    Beautiful photos!

  8. "mid-winter spring is its own season" --TS Eliot

    Tolles, Isabella!

  9. my dear friends,

    I thanks you all so much for your wonderful comments, very appreciate
    and wish you a nice and bright Winter weekend.

    hugs and kisses


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