
ein kleines Glück ...


… ein kleines Glück – das ist doch immer etwas Anständiges.

Maxim Gorkij


22 Kommentare:

  1. You are a great artist's lovely

    liebe grüsse und einen schöne tag gewünscht,

    kisses, Joop

  2. So beautiful... I think the same you a great artist :)))
    Hugs Halina

  3. It IS always something beautiful to look at when I come in to your blog! Just another lovely photo Isabella.
    Hugs from Tania:-)

  4. Preciosa! me encanta! esa flor está como protegida por las hojitas secas que la envuelven. Muy bella!
    Un beso

  5. This is photography: you threw away almost every rule of the Hated Book of Rules, thus allowing you to create an original piece of art. No way around it: if you do what everybody tells you to do, you will end up replicating the work of others. Painters have admitted that a long time ago. You did likewise here, bravo.

    Placing the focused flower in the lower centre was very important. The same is true for the aperture. Very creative.

    One could argue that the pastel colours were already there, but there you are, you got the most out of them!



  6. Colores violetas para unos cielos que últimamente se nos vuelven grises...

    Saludos y un abrazo.

  7. what should I say Joop, my dear friend ...? to such a lovely and wonderful comment! my warmest thank to you!

    hugs and kisses.


  8. Halina, this is so nice frome you and is doing so well!

    thanks from my heart my friend,


  9. Laura, you are a really kind person and a great photographer. I'm glad to you and your work.

    Hugs and thanks from

  10. Catarina, querida amiga,

    muchas gracias por tus amables palabras. Me gusta mucho !!

    un fuerte abrazo - isabella

  11. dear Art,

    many thanks for your so nice comment!

  12. dear Tania,

    I am so glad that we could get to know us in the wide world of the Internet. I enjoy the contact with you very so nice: Thank you for your so nice comments, your wonderful work and the warm humanity, which speaks of both.

    from my heart,


  13. Nette, a warm welcome - I don't understand Swedish, but I use Google Translator and so I say to you

    Tack så mycket!

  14. Laura, querida amiga,

    tantos años que nos conocemos a través de nuestro trabajo. Quiero darle las gracias por todos los muchos tan agradable comentarios y visitas. Estoy muy contento con nuestro contacto y te sientes muy conectado.

    un beso - isabella

  15. OH !! Roger, that's one of those comments that I necessarily want to cancel. From such a talented and dedicated colleagues, a photographer whom I admire very much in his way of seeing the world.

    It feels so good, I'm very happy that my way is the right and I feel very accepted and understood. Thank you so much !!!

    cordially -

  16. Estimado Antonio,

    muchas gracias por las visitas agradable y por las muy amable, atento comentarios.

    un beso grande - isabella

  17. me gusta mucho como esta deenfocada, muy buena...un abrazo


  18. · Pretty purple tiny flowers.
    Right now, I have two purple dancers in my blog.

    · Küsse

    CR & LMA


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