
female moments - fm 33


Des Gärtners Fuß verdirbt den Garten nicht. 

aus Italien

6 Kommentare:

  1. Lovely shot Isabella.

    warm greetings and a big hug, Joop

  2. Isabellla, this is so wonderful. I feel that I am again in Lithuania. I even began to forget how wonderful clogs can be.

    Beautiful and extremely touching image. Very poetic and masterfully done. I enjoyed it tremendously.

    Greetings from Kaya.

  3. How wonderful, a nice photo with a composition as delicate as a poem. I love that light. A hug.

  4. such a sweet garden photo
    so lovely that we all have angels guiding and guarding us as we skip along.

    lovely day to you~

  5. Must be in Holland?
    Great moment!

  6. Many thanks dear friend for your wonderful comments!

    that's my garden, I love this shoes, Always dry your feet warm and they are very light ..

    cordially greetings to you all and a nice weekend,



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