
female moments - fm 17


Fliehe die Einsamkeit nicht,
Sie befreundet dich mit dir selbst;
Fliehe die Gesellschaft nicht,
Denn sie befreundet dich mit der Welt.

Christian Friedrich Wilhelm Jacobs


8 Kommentare:

  1. Your female moments series are so great. Amazing photos! Love them.
    From Hilda

  2. This is a special moment... To be with your dreams and your thoughts.... And feel so comfortable even for a few minutes not worrying about the world and life passing by.

    Isabella, your female moments make me dream....

    Absolutely marvelous picture!!!!!

    Have a nice and peaceful Sunday evening, dear and beautiful Isabella.

  3. Ich dises photo, eine ganze Geschichte, ganze Welt

  4. dear Hilda, thank you so much for your beautiful comment - much appreciated!



  5. Maria ... that's the best compliment that I can wish for my work. I thank you from my heart.

  6. Kaya, my dear friend ...I've no words to say how much appreciated your comment is for me. I love your empathy for my work and am happy that you support it in such a cordial manner with your wonderful comments.

    warm hugs and kisses for you from


  7. Bienvenue A7 et merci beaucoup pour ce commentaire merveilleux et empathique.




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