
female moments - fm 1


Male nicht das Objekt, sondern seine Wirkung.

Stéphane Mallarmé


this is the first image from my new project: female moments .... hope you enjoy it!
all pictures are captured with iphone and hipstamic, lense john s and film Ina's 1969


14 Kommentare:

  1. tellement féminin Isabella !
    les lumières et les couleurs sont
    si belles ! c'est vraiment un image pleine de douceur et si originale !
    je t'embrasse très fort

  2. What is a wonderful idea!!! I love it very much, Isabella.

    Fabulous picture!!!!! I like the light and shadows. They created an amazing composition. Outstanding picture!!!

    Have a beautiful evening, my friend!!!!!

  3. me gusta la composicion, con una luz extraordinaria.


  4. Wonderful them - let us hope that men enjoys as much as women! I do - it is lovely!

  5. Oh...LOVELY....
    soo charming...
    soo feminine....
    soo beautiful.....

    soo beautiful to be back with You, cara Isabella!!

    After a way too loooong absence I am throghoughly pleased to enjoy again your marvellous World of Poesia & Photography!!!!

    have a wonderful summer weekend, cara....and a looot of sunshine !!!!

    ciao ciao ed un abbraccione forte


  6. Läßt einen die Farben denken. Wunderbar gelungen.

  7. Marty,

    ich freue mich riesig über deinen wundervollen Kommentar!! es ist ein neues Projekt, das mir besonders viel Spass macht und deine so schöne Reaktion ermutigt mich zusätzlich.

    danke dir liebe Freundin!!

    mil bisous und eine schöne neue Woche - isabella

  8. dear Kaya,

    my heartfelt thanks for your wonderful comment my friend !!!!

    wish you a nice new week ♥

    warm hugs from isabella

  9. muchas gracias Mª Angeles por tus amables palabras !!!


  10. Maria, my heartfelt thanks to you !!

    ♥ - isabella

  11. ciao cara elvira,

    soooo glad to read you again!!!

    thanks from the deep of my heart for your beautiful empathic comment.

    wish you a very nice summer week!!!!!

    ciao, ciao ed un abbraccione forte



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