
springtimes - magic ot the moon



Hinter blühenden Apfelbaumzweigen
steigt der Mond auf.
Zarte Ranken,
blasse Schatten
zackt sein Schimmer in den Kies.
Lautlos fliegt ein Falter.
Ich wandle wie trunken durch sanftes Licht,
die Fernen flimmern.
Selig silbern blitzt Busch und Gras.
Das Tal verblinkt,
aus weichstem Dunkel,
traumsüß flötend, schluchzend jubelnd,
mein Herz schwillt über,
die Nachtigall!

Hermann Oscar Arno Alfred Holz, 1863 - 1929

8 Kommentare:

  1. Isabella, today isn't my day and I am glad to visit your blog and to be for a while in your poetic world.

    The semi moon is so shy, modest and very young. I love this semi moon, And a tree is powerful. Great contrast, wonderful idea and terrific composition. Simple and beautiful!!!!!!

    Have a great week and creative!!!!!! Many hugs and my warm wishes!!!!!!

  2. je trouve cette image d'un romantisme absolu ! j'adore !
    bisous liebe Isabella

  3. Not only beautiful,,,A magic night Isabella !
    Hugs from me, Lasse

  4. Great work Isabella....well done again.

    Greetings and kisses, Joop

  5. La luna parece querer coquetear entre las ramas del arbol.

    Muy bonita.


  6. This longing for the sky... I love this blue!

  7. my dearest friends, I am so happy with your wonderful responses. My hearfelt thanks to you. Your comments means a lot to me ♥♥♥

    I wish you all a wonderful week of May and send you warm hugs and kisses



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