
mein Norden IV


Du hast nur eines in aller Welt, was dir ganz gehört –
das ist der Augenblick!

Friedrich Rittelmeyer

for more sky: Skywatch Friday

10 Kommentare:

  1. Light and composition very nice Isabella,

    Have a nice weekend honey.

    hugs, Joop

  2. Very very nice...:)

  3. Bonito contraluz de ese mar plateado.


  4. I wish you a peaceful relaxing weekend

  5. Ein schönes Stimmungsbild zu F. Rittelmeyers Gedanken.

  6. Isabella, this is a fantastic picture!!!!! The sky is so huge and endless and I love it. And we are tiny compare to the whole universe. There is a great idea in this image; to be grateful for life and it's moments.

    Beautiful and an outstanding photography!!!!

    Have a very nice day and coming weekend, my dear friend!!!!!!

  7. Wow Isabella - that was a masterpiece again! That amazing light and the composition is outstanding!! Very well done !
    Warm hugs and a nice weekend !

  8. Many thanks to Joop, Halina, Mª Angeles y Jose, Cevennenwolf, Angela, Kaya and Lasse ..

    Liebe Freunde, ich bin sehr glücklich über eure wundervollen Reaktionen. Danke, vielen Dank ! Sie bedeuten mir sehr viel für mich


    my dearest friends, I am so happy with your wonderful responses. My hearfelt thanks to you. Your comments means a lot to me ♥♥♥

    I wish you all a wonderful week and send you warm hugs and kisses


  9. I like this very much, Isabella. a good week to you too. robert

  10. dear Robert, thank you so much for your nice comment!

    I wish you a beautiful rest of the week, isabella


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