
small pleasures II


Small drops of water, little grains of sand make the mighty ocean and the beautiful country. The little minutes, appear modest, they also revealed the powerful age of eternity. Small acts of kindness, little words of love make the earth a paradise, like heaven.

Julia A. Fletcher Carney


I wish you all a happy and joyfull weekend



Macro Monday


35 Kommentare:

  1. Hola) hermosa esta foto.. tan delicadas estas pequeñas florcitas)).. También bellas y muy ciertas palabras.. Gracias..
    Un saludo..

  2. What a BEAUTIFUL photograph. Those precious little buds, wow. Fantastic composition. Nice words, too.
    You have such a good eye, Isabella. Have a nice weekend.

  3. Preciosa composición!

    Tiene una delicadeza especial.


  4. Hello Isabella!
    Very beautiful. Love the poem as well.
    Warm hugs, Lasse

  5. toute cette tendresse dans les formes et les couleurs, me font chavirer !
    c'est magnifique Isabella ! un réel moment de bonheur !
    je te souhaite un joli week end et
    je t'envoie des bisous tendres

  6. Cathy Berthot would absolutely love that one. I certainly do. A beautiful composition (off centre like I prefer!), but most of all this very shallow depth of field that sends everything else in the realm of the unknown, unobtrusive. I won't give you a score on this one. I'm so severe when I do that, most of all for my own images...

    You will forgive me if I do not tell you if it is outstanding or not. I played really dirty tricks with your image: I brought it to a 1600x2400 format at 72 dpi with Perfect Resize, then applied Neat Image to get rid of any noise and sharpened it a tiny bit. I now use it as my desktop image on this huge 2556x1600 30 in graphic display of mine.

    I'll let it sit there for a couple of days and only then i will tell you. I can already tell two things: it's worth the trouble... (he he), and it is wayyyy more impressive in such a big format.

    Beautiful, I say for the moment... :-))) Are you going to destroy me? :-)

  7. Hola Matias,
    muchas gracias para la visita agradable y por el comentario maravilloso. Es el anhelo de la primavera que da lugar a este tipo de imágenes.

    un cordial saludo amigo,

  8. Dear Rick,

    you're so friendly, thanks a lot and I mean really many thanks for your loving words of praise. I'm so pleased about it.

    have a nice weekend too my friend ♥


  9. Querida Mª Angeles,

    muchas gracias :)) Estoy muy contento de que te gusta tanto.

    un beso grande amiga,

  10. Dear Lasse,

    you're so kind - as always. I send you my best regards. See you soon :))

    warm hugs from

  11. Truly beautiful image. Have a nice evening to you.

  12. coucou marty,
    je te remercie beaucoup ce beau et si poétique commentaire. Il est le désir pour le printemps qui donne lieu à de telles images.

    Ich wünsche Dir auch ein traumhaft schönes, sonniges und frühlingshaftes Wochenende (bei uns liegt immer noch Schnee in den Ecken :( ....)

    et je t'embrasse fort


  13. Dear Kasse,
    a warm welcome here and many thanks for your so kind comment:

    have a nice weekend,


  14. Dear Roger,

    you see me speechless with pure joy! I'm thrilled if you can improve the picture and I'll send the whole file by email. Yes, I want making a small exhibition with this spring series of images.

    You have given me a very, very great pleasure with your very detailed comment. I like this joint work with our art very much and enjoy the contact with you - But I know you know that.

    je te souhaite un joli week

  15. Dear Hilda,

    thank you so much for this wonderful comment.

    warm hugs from

  16. Very nice shot! I just love it!

    Have a great weekend! :-)

  17. das Leben beginnt, und die Freude kehrt zurück...!

    Einen schönen Sonntag Dir, liebe Isabella. Dein Bild ist wie der Neubeginn, hoffnungsvoll und schön..!


  18. WOW! A fantastic macro, very poetic and artistic!
    Great shot, thanks for sharing!

  19. very delicate and nice picture - thank you for sharing

  20. Ya hacia tiempo que no pasaba por tu blog y me he perdido grandes fotos. Pero ya me he puesto al dia.
    Son magníficas tus fotos.
    Un saludo

  21. Beautiful selective focus..

  22. Beautiful colours in this shot! Have a nice monday!

  23. I love this pretty picture with a sound delicious and excellent frame. Truly sublime. a hug.

  24. Belleza y gracia no siempre van combinadas, en este caso tuyo, haces poesia con tus imagenes, felicitaciones!

  25. Would like to be a small bee and be able to climb into the flower.

    The photo is beautifull.

  26. A muscari ! wondeful ! Thank you for your talent.
    Liebe Grusse,

    meine komplimenten Isabella.

    Liebe grüsse, Joop


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