
iceland impressions VIII - Gullfoss







" Gullfoss waterfall

In a land of Earthly beauty, one natural wonder stands above the rest, Iceland’s beloved Gullfoss, or “Golden Falls.” With a 105-foot double-cascade, Gullfoss is by far Europe’s most powerful waterfall. On a sunlit day, the mist clouds surrounding the hammering falls are filled with dozens of rainbows, providing an unparalleled spectacle of color and motion. Surprisingly, at one time the government planned to supplant the falls with a large hydroelectric power plant, but a nearby farmer’s daughter underwent a pilgrimage on foot to Reykjavik, where she demanded that unless the plant was stopped, she would cast herself over the falls. After the nation overwhelmingly came out in her favor, plans were halted and the government purchased the land for a national park."

..... from exploreiceland


11 Kommentare:

  1. Beautiful landscape..... your pictures are again really beautiful.

    Have a nice weekend Isabella.

    Kisses, Joop

  2. Espetacular! Lindo cenário. Beaultiful! Congratulations.

  3. Awesome nature - and very beautiful landscape. Good picture you show us. Iceland is very "special".
    I wish you a nice weekend!

  4. Que maravilla nos muestras hoy!!!

    Espectacular, la naturaleza nos sorprende a diario con su belleza.


  5. Schrumpft Leben zu seiner wahren, wichtigen Bedeutung.

    Ein gutes Wochenende dir.

    daily athens

  6. Magnificas imágenes Veredit, te rodea un bello paisaje...

  7. Espectaculares fotos...muy bellas.


  8. Tienes unas bellísimas fotografías y un blog muy agradable. Felicitaciones.
    Saludos desde la patagonia argentina.

  9. Impresionantes fotos, amiga. Gracias por mostrarnos estas maravillas de la naturaleza. Besos.

  10. Thank you very much my dear friends for your kind words and comment. I'm very happy that you like my serie so much.

    Have a wonderful week, with my best wishes



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