
Novemberstrand XII - Stille


In der vollkommenen Stille hört man die ganze Welt.

Kurt Tucholsky, 1890 - 1935

ABC Wednesday s for Silence - more Water here


26 Kommentare:

  1. une image aux merveilleuses couleurs...
    toute cette serie est superbe Isabella..
    Une belle solitude...:o)
    gros bisoux..

  2. clo!! ma chère,je te remercie pour toi gentilles mots.

    Je T'embrasse amicalement,


  3. the sky, the water - beautiful!

    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  4. Though, like a beautiful oil painting! (^^)

  5. quelle belle harmonie dans cette image ! j'aime cette profondeur et la lumière qui déchire les nuages !
    bisous Isabella

  6. Lovely photo. Thank you for sharing it with us.
    Donna - ABC Wednesday

  7. La belleza de los reflejos en el agua es impresionante.


  8. in der vollkommenen Stille vereint sich der Himmel mit dir...

    ..ein wunderschönes Bild, liebe Isabella!


  9. Simpley beautiful series you´ve created here. I love it !
    Regards from Sweden,,,,

  10. 'Silence is golden' but we so rarely hear it. Silence is unsettling until you give yourself up to it.
    Beautiful photograph:-)

  11. La verdad es que esta imagen invita al silencio. Caminar por la arena y contemplar el horizonte...
    Hermosa, como las anteriores.

    Un beso

  12. A romantic, silvery light over a beautiful scene!

  13. Tell me, dear Isabella, where can I find this kind of landscape near where I live? I guess I am horrendously jealous. Jealous for the sea, for the cities and their beauty, for ruins that are not ruins but work of art.

    Here, as in your photo of November 9, you make the most out of it. A beauty.

  14. "the perfect silence"
    Yes, the music of comfortable silence seems to be played in the space. . .
    The fluctuation of the light may be a leader.

    Thank you.

  15. Hey, great job A beautiful and spacious landscape with exquisite light.

  16. Foto preciosa y comentario perfecto para ella.
    Viendo estos paisajes marinos viene a la memoria el hablar y meditar sobre el silencio, la paz, el recogimiento.


  17. · Silencio, calma, sosiego, tranquilidad... todo eso y mucho más dentro de una buena fotografía.

    · Küsses

    CR & LMA

  18. Hoffe es geht dir gut !

    Wie schön dieses Bild "zu hören". Eine gute neue Woche dir.

  19. So GORGEOUS this view on the winter beach with a mild touch of sunlight between the grey clouds...wonderful calm....incredibly peaceful....!

    Cara Isabella; isn't the sea in this time of the year so incredibly magic and soothing...?

    You took WONDERFUL photos on your beach walks !!!!

    ciao ciao elvira

  20. Dear friends, thank you very much for your wonderful comments and thoughts. Yes, it is a great happiness, as close to live in a landscape full of beauty. Each season has its own appeal, but the winter with its fantastic colors and the unique light I particularly love.

    I am very pleased with the many new readers and welcome them most heartily.

    I had a wonderful trip to Iceland and brought many, many pictures to take home ... It will take some time to sort them, but the November beach series is not yet complete.

    I wish you all a wonderful month of December and a wonderful Christmas time

    Hugs and Kisse for all of you my dearest friends,



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