
Novemberstrand VII


Ich bin durch mein Herz, was ich bin.

Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi


21 Kommentare:

  1. Isn't this absolutely, totally beautiful and peaceful? You know, there is a myriad of lakes and rivers here, but for this kind of scene I must hit the road and ride for 1200 km before reaching the ocean. Such is Life...

    You had a difficult choice here in positioning the horizon. Which is more important: the sky or the ocean? With the sun's reflection in the water, water become very important. You saw the scene and I did not: I wonder what would have resulted by placing the horizon still higher. Not obvious.

    Terrific shot, dear Isabella!

  2. Que bonita!

    Es preciosa! el procesado con tantos grises es una preciosidad.


  3. Beautiful shot!
    I love photos of the sea...
    Have a nice week Isabella!

  4. schön, düster, geheimnisvoll, so wie die tiefe Erfahrung des Lebens...
    Gute Nacht, liebe Isabella!

  5. such magnificently beautiful vistas you prepare for us, dear isabella - and for which i am so grateful - it is always such a soft sanctuary here for me - and i thank you! beautiful -

  6. Always love your work...especially this pewter colored sunset on the beach. Nice.

  7. This is absolutely serene! i love beaches very much!! Most of my pics have been that of beaches from goa, manori etc...

    Pixellicious Photos

  8. je voudrais être libre et voler comme l'oiseau sur les vagues !!
    belle photo !
    il commence à faire froid, tu as
    mis une écharpe ????
    bisous Isabella et je te souhaite
    une très jolie semaine

  9. Roger, my dear friend, I am speechless with joy at your wonderful comment ... and that's saying something, because I love to talk.

    I will gladly explain why I made this choice ... the focus was for me at this picture on the gull before the disappearing light ...she connected all elements in this scene to me, everything turned for the better ... a view of the world that I love ... You know that!

    je t'embrasse mon ami,

  10. Mª Angeles y Jose, queridos amigos, muchas gracias por el comentario tan bonito.

    un beso grande,

  11. Dear Lúcia, thank you so much for your kind comment! I wish you a very nice week too


  12. Liebe Renée, auch das Dunkle muss man annehmen, das habe ich schon lange gelernt .. die Balance ist wichtig.

    Danke Dir für deinen empathischen Kommentar liebe Freundin.

    Ganz liebe Nachtgrüße

  13. My dear Jenean, thank you so much for your kind visit and your so friendly (as always!!) comment. You can not imagine how pleased I'm about it.

    Hugs from

  14. Good evening Rick, thanks a lot for your so friendly and wonderful comment!! Hope I'll see you soon again ....:))

  15. "... i love beaches very much!! "

    Me too, dear Kcalpesh, me too!! Thank you for you kind comment!!

  16. weißt du liebe marty, über deinen Kommentar habe ich mich besonders gefreut, denn ich habe gespürt, dass Du meine Intention bei diesem Bild ganz genau verstanden hast und das ist immer eine große Freude für jeden Darstellenden, sich verstanden zu fühlen, in dem, was einem wichtig ist.

    mil bisous pour toi,

  17. I came from Watery Wednesday, but I had to look at the whole series of November beaches, and this one is my favourite!!! I love the gull!!!

  18. ahh! i haven't been to your blog in so long, i'm sorry! gotta catch up! Love this photo - really makes me want to run on the beach! so peaceful!

  19. Hi Judy, I'm so happy about your kind comment, thanks a lot for it!!

    I wish you a wonderful weekend,

  20. and I missed you really Jil!!! It's so god, read you again :)))

    wish you a beautiful Sunday!!


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