
früher Abschied


Das bunte Herbstlaub!
Es dichtet wohl?
Aufgespeicherte Sonne.
Darunter Stimmenrausch des Abschieds.

Peter Hille

15 Kommentare:

  1. It is autumn, colourful, the leaves are never ending.

  2. Precioso colorido y calor de otoño.

    Un fuerte abrazo

  3. Magnifique, Isabella ! tu a su capter la
    lumière et cette photo est une pure
    merveille de lumière et de couleurs !
    Il fait si gris aujourd'hui que ces
    feuilles d'automne font un bien fou !
    merci beaucoup !
    bisous de lumière !

  4. Hello Isabella,

    A daring photograph... it must be looked at for some time, without fixing any point, and sink into it in a way... And a thoughtful poem to go with it.

    I don't know about the sun... but I know you brought light in this day.


  5. Beautiful!! The flower under here too, great macro shot and colors.
    Do not ask me about any name on flower..hehe:-)
    Wish you a blessed evening, hugs from Tania

  6. Hello Isabella,
    I love your name.
    You have captured beautiful light and detail, so lovely.

  7. Yes, unfortunately ... much too soon! But we just have to make the most of it. Thank you Bob!

  8. Sí, por desgracia ... demasiado pronto! Pero sólo tenemos que sacar el máximo partido de ella.

    Muchas gracias Javier!

    un fuerte abrazo,

  9. Liebe marty, das freut mich so sehr, dass Du den "Lichtgedanken" hinter dem Bild sofort entdeckst.

    ich umarme Dich ganz lieb und freundschaftlich und kann Dir garnicht sagen, wie sehr ich mich stets über Deine Kommentare freue!!


  10. Oh Roger, my dear Canadian friend from the cold! Your comment is simply stunning. There is nothing better for me what you'd write about this picture!

    because you brought the joy in my heart


  11. Okay dear Tania, I'll never ask in future

    Thanks for your kind comment and I wish you a beautiful rest of the week

    hugs from

  12. Hi Tammie, your name is wonderful too! Thank you very much for your so kind words! I'm very happy, read you again :)))

    hugs for you,

  13. Muchas gracias Mª Angeles y Jose, sí, la mejor parte del otoño son los colores. Viene un poco a principios de este año. Pero haremos lo mejor posible.

    un fuerte abrazo y beso para toDos



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