
Das Prinzip aller Dinge ... M...


..M... wie Thales von Milet:

Das Prinzip aller Dinge ist Wasser; aus Wasser ist alles, und ins Wasser kehrt alles zurück.

Thales von Milet, um 625 - 545 v. Chr.


für mehr "M" bitte hier klicken: abc wednesday round 6

für mehr Wasser bitte hier klicken: Watery Wednesday


16 Kommentare:

  1. I've loved blown glass since I was a kid and went to Corning to see them working the glass.

    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  2. Great shot and lovely closeup!
    Happy Watery Wednesday..Luna

  3. Me encanta la originalidad de esta foto llena de vida, llena de agua...


  4. Hi Roger, Yes, that's the same thing to me since I saw it, this miracle of becoming even more enthusiastic I am of glass and light! Thanks for visiting and nice comment. Until next time



  5. Soy feliz de leer de ti Javier. Gracias para el cumplido en la imagen.

    Un beso

  6. Thank you Laura, for your visit and your nice comment!

  7. Hi Tracy, nice to meet you and thank you very much for your kind comment.

  8. ¡Qué belleza!
    Me encanta esta imagen, Isabella.
    Un beso

  9. ¡Me alegro siempre tanto sobre tus comentarios, querida Elsa!
    Un beso


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