
la danse orange - pas de deux II & III



Nichts ist dem Menschen so unentbehrlich wie der Tanz.

Jean Baptiste Molière, 1622 - 1673


11 Kommentare:

  1. Fluir... de dentro hacia afuera...
    MIs mejores deseos :))

    Flow ... inside out ...
    Best wishes:))

  2. Cara Isabella...........I never danced classic ballet in my life...I grew up in a wonderful family with three fantastic brothers and all kinds of sports were on my activity list.....never ever dancing...!
    Admiring your delicate, wonderful balet-composition with one of the most tender flowers........just a DREAM.....!!!!!

    Thank you so much for your sweet comment; oh yes; my surrounding is indeed peaceful....!!!!

    I wish you a very happy evening, cara Isabella!
    ciao ciao elvira

  3. oh my this is gorgeous and I love seeing it.

  4. Sí, la sensación del movimiento de la luz! Gracias querida haidée por los comentarios maravilloso. Un beso

  5. Cara Elvira ... I've never danced ballet, but we like to go to ballet and I am fascinated by this form of artistic expression. I am a country girl too and live in a very rural area. I need the open sky and moving in nature ... when work allows. I thank you for your so kind words and beautiful pictures on your page. We are waiting anxiously for the spring, but it's still very cold and there is still no improvement in sight. So we must be patient.

    I wish you a beautiful weekend my dear,
    ciao, ciao Isabella

  6. Thank's from my heart dear Tammie Lee for your always nice comments.

  7. Hey lieber Benikos, das freut mich riesig, dass Dir diese Serie gefällt. Danke!


  9. Thank you my friend, your kind words makes me very happy.

    Σας ευχαριστώ φίλε μου, τα λόγια σας, είμαι πολύ χαρούμενος.


  10. Ja. Selbst wenn ein Ding zu löschen, verschwindet das, was noch übrig ist, kann sein Wesen.

    Yes. Even if a thing to delete disappears, the thing which is still left may be essence.

    Aus dem Fernen Osten.
    Mit besten Grüßen.


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