
sehen - Licht II

Nein, ich vergesse dich nicht,
was ich auch werde,
liebliches zeitiges Licht,
Erstling der Erde.

Alles, was du versprachst,
hat sie gehalten,
seit du das Herz mir erbrachst
ohne Gewalten.

Flüchtisgte frühste Figur,
die ich gewahrte:
nur weil ich Stärke erfuhr,
rühm ich das Zarte.

Rainer Maria Rilke, 1875 - 1926

13 Kommentare:

  1. schöne sonnige Sonntagsmorgen-Gedanken
    Grüße aus Mondsee liebe Isabella
    auf bald monika

  2. eine schneeweisse Gabe an einem schneeweissen Tag... zu geben, das Richtige zu geben, dazu gehört nicht nur Wissen, sondern auch manchmal Mut..!
    Einen glücklichen Tag wünscht Dir, liebe Isabella,

  3. even with the translation is difficult for me to understand everything :-)
    the picture tells me a lot ! she is very pretty !
    good Sunday and a lot of kisses xxx

  4. Bellísima iluminación! es una foto muy delicada!
    Un beso

  5. Liebe Mona, ganz liebe Sonntagabendgrüße auch an Dich aus dem hohen Norden mit einem Hauch von Frühling in der Luft.

    liebe Renée, ich weiß genau, was Du meinst, habe mir allerdings vorgenommen auch dabei genau wie sonst, einfach auf "mein Herz zu hören" ... Ich umarme Dich

    Ma chère Karine, of course, I can well understand. A lyric translations MUST consent, otherwise goes to great loss. Unfortunately, my English and my French too, is not so good, that I could properly you translate. I am nonetheless pleased when my pictures gives and says you something. I feel it's the same with your pictures! Je t'embrasse et bisou, bisou ... ,-)

    Querida amiga, muchas grazias y un fuerte abrazo para ti Laura,


  6. You have some of my favourite writers here. :) Your photos are lovely, especially in the greyness of winter, a much needed warmth. I finally surrendered and put tulips on my Scottish blog. I thought everyone could use a bit of Spring today. I also enjoy your music. I am going to enjoy my visits here. Lizzy :)

  7. This flower seems to have soaked up the light, and now it is released, here, for us....

  8. Dear Lizzy, Scotland Oh how wonderful - I'll come right to rave - this is my absolute desire country. I want so much to travel there one day and you bring it towards me a little closer to thank for that. Thank you for your interest in my blog and the kind words, you brought me great joy in the evening. I embrace you,


  9. Dear James, mostly I am glad that you can see my intentions behind the image, which is high praise for me and I feel very connected to you.

  10. Leuchtet bis hier, tief durch die Nacht.

    Einen hellen Dienstag für dich.

  11. Your photo is quite lovely!
    Wonderful to see flowers and the light you captured is divine.

  12. just magnificent, isabella! truly magnificent! as always, your images uplift and brighten! beautiful!

  13. Dear Tammie Lee and my so lovely Jenean,
    I thank you from the deep of my heart!!!!!


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