



Wo von der Fülle des Glanzes und dem Zauber des Unerwarteten deine Augen geblendet sind, da mußt du die Augen des Herzens aufthun. Die werden bald erkennen, welcher Glanz vergänglich, welches Gold ächt oder Flitter ist.

Karl Ferdinand Gutzkow, 1811 - 1878


23 Kommentare:

  1. I've got no idea of how this shows in full format. But as far as I can judge, this is both original and interesting. This gives me both an impression of movement - and confusion, not knowing exactly where or what I am doing, you know?

    Roger G.

  2. I do not know what it is, but with those colors, it must be photographic.

  3. Dear Roger,
    it's a series of experiments with flowers, pictures of the "other kind" there are dwarf iris (Iris reticulata) and the inclusion symbolized the movement towards the spring. These little flowers are so very hard to take in and flourish despite cold temperatures, very early in the year now (but yet, they are) from a flower shop.

    I like to work with abstraction and want to use it also adds in photography, for honest feedback, I am extremely grateful.


  4. @ Indeed Bob, it's a photograph, an experiment with dwarf iris.

    @ Hi Unseen Rajasthan, you are very friendly, thank you very much for the "Great"

    ...big smile***

  5. excelente, gran color muy agradable sensacion parece tejido, un abrazo

  6. en Inglés se dice: You made my day!

    un fuerte abrazo

  7. lovely how your colors fade/bleed/blend into each other for a totally different feel and look - your virtual gallery is such a joy! thanks so much for sharing!

  8. You like it? This is wonderful! Thank you so much love Jenean

  9. A mí me sugiere algo suave, Isabella, y me invita a tocarlo, a acariciarlo. Da sensación de movimiento. Muy bellos colores.


  10. ¡O como bien! Ves la blandura igual de las primeras hojas de flores tiernas, el estímulo irresistible del roce de la primavera. Gracias para tu comentario maravilloso.

    un beso y un fuerte abrazo

  11. Very rich, Isabella. These colors' dynamic tension (like swirling smoke, was my first thought) expresses the movement toward spring very well. You are a poet of light....

  12. Welch Herausforderung für die Sinne.

    Ganz wunderbar auch das "Zeichen der Zeit", als echt noch mit "ä" geschrieben wurde. Ein schönes Wochenende für dich.

  13. Isabella, admiráveis composições. As cores e as sensações de movimento estão perfeitas.
    Grande abraço.

  14. @ Dear James, your a poet of light makes me so happy, what a beautiful praise

    thank you from my heart


  15. Hallo lieber Robert,

    es ist ja ein Experiment gewesen und da macht mich solch eine positive Resonanz natürlich richtig stolz. Ja, und das Zitat fand ich gerade durch die alte Schreibweise auch besonders passend. Ich freue mich immer so sehr über Deine Mitgenießen. ganz liebe Wochenendewünsche auch für Dich!

    alles Liebe

  16. Sergio, a si próprio branco não, acima de que a si próprio a mim mais fazer alegre débito face - acima de seu visita aqui, ou acima de seu assim amigavelmente palavras ...

    um grande abraço

  17. Unexpectedly lovely and golden post.

  18. Preciosas imágenes, Isabella!! me encantan!! se perciben tan suaves como plumas o hierba acariciadas por el viento!
    Un beso

  19. Me alegro Laura, me sorprendió sobre la luz en estas floraciones y el resultado de un ligero movimiento. Gracias de corazón por tus hermosas palabras.

    Un beso


  20. Ich sehe mein Herz mit meinen eigenen Augen.
    Wenn ich den Mut hatte, vielleicht war es hat wahre Reichtum der Herrlichkeit.

    Aus dem Fernen Osten.
    Mit besten Grüßen.

    I watch my heart with eyes of my own.
    If I had the courage, it may have been got true wealth of glory.

    From the Far East.
    Best regards.

  21. Yes, dear Ruma, with you I am quite sure that it is so! Thank you for this lovely comment.




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