

"Was machen Sie?"

"Nichts. Ich lasse das Leben auf mich regnen."

Rahel Varnhagen 1771-1833

5 Kommentare:

  1. Good shot, Isabella. I wonder what are those birds on the posts - cormorants perhaps?

    Roger G.

  2. Good evening, dear Roger.
    I think there are cormorants and at least two varieties gulls, if not more. Storm was announced and all these birds are waiting for the fishing boats, which came home from the sea .. a little bit like Hitchcock's Birds.




  3. less resentful:

    on the new image of each variety are easier to see, because I have chosen larger format

  4. a beautiful shot.
    patience: A minor form of despair, disguised as a virtue.
    Ambrose Bierce

    n"Abend, Isabella,

    Ursula aus Clun

  5. Liebe Ursula,

    da hat er sehr recht der Mr. Bierce, manchmal bleibt einem halt nichts Anderes, als das Beste aus einer schier aussichtslosen Situation zu machen.

    ganz liebe Grüße nach Clun, Isabella


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